Ghosts and Orbs

ghosts and orbs

We all have watched the videos that show orbs flying around, or have seen the pictures of these small opaque balls of light that some people call orbs, but what are they? Are they ghosts? Is it dust? Are we just seeing things we want to see? In all honesty, it’s very hard to say what orbs are. It could be a little bit of all three.

Are Orbs Connected to Ghosts?

It is very possible orbs and ghosts go hand in hand. It could be that the orb is a small form of the ghost we can see in video or in pictures. It is also possible orbs are seen right before a haunting event happens. For example, if you watch videos where a chair moves, or a door slams, often times you can see orbs moving around before the event happens. Almost like the ghost is building up energy to move the object. If this is the case, then an orb could be a prelude to what’s to come, which is the chair moving, or door slamming.

I have taken pictures of orbs that don’t look like dust to me, but I am not a camera expert. What I have noticed is when you zoom in on orbs, they either look like tiny bowling balls or the Death Star from Star Wars. I am not a dust expert, but I think dust doesn’t look like that up close. So, if these things are paranormal, then what are they?

Dust Flying By

There’s a lot of videos where you see a lot of “orbs” flying by the camera and sometimes the one who took the video thinks this is a lot of orbs, when in fact it is just dust. Close up dust can look like orbs, but a good way to tell dust from orbs is you're not going to see one dust orb fly by. Dust comes with its friends, so when dust is stirred there will be a lot of dust moving in the air at once. If you take a camera and set it up, then hit a dusty area, you are going to see dust particles flying all over the place in droves. Yet, with orbs you usually see one or two at a time. You are never going to get 1 speck of dust to fly by a camera lenses, it’s just not possible.

Is It Bugs?

Often on CCTV camera we see bugs flying by that look like weird little cryptid beings or even orbs. This happens usually at night and when a light is on. It’s important to understand the surrounding area before saying this orb you see on the camera is paranormal. If it is nighttime, a light is on, and the camera is outside during a warm day, chances are very good you are seeing bugs moving around.

Some CCTV cameras have a slight delay effect, which can make it seem like an orb, because there is a trail effect happening as the bug flies in front of the camera. This gives the illusion there is an orb flying around, when it’s just a bug with slight camera lag.

Are Orbs Real?

I think they are. Like I said, I have caught orbs on camera before, but I am not sure what they are. I do see the connection where some videos show orbs flying around right before a paranormal event happens, such as the chair moving, someone knocking on a door or wall, or a door opening. Does this indicate the orb is the ghost moving around? Is it the energy in the environment moving around? I can’t say for sure, but what I can say is as long as some people scoff at these things to mean nothing, we will never understand what they are.

Science Needs to Get on Board

We have a lot of amateur scientists trying to figure out what these paranormal things are, because people who went to school to become scientist keep scoffing at these paranormal events. It’s interesting that a scientist will study more about ketchup than the strange paranormal things we see daily. If you look at everything we have learned about over the years, all of it was supernatural at one point in time. No one understood how the whole body worked, until scientists started studying it. Now we know about colds, flus, why our back hurts, what foods not to eat, there is a science to diet, that we need a certain amount of sleep, what causes seizures, and literally everything, but when it comes to the paranormal these scientists turn a blind eye.

We will learn more about what orbs really are, when people stop saying they aren’t real and ignore them. If we had ignored everything, like science ignores the paranormal, we’d still think the gods made us sick with a cold because we didn’t give them an offering!

ghosts and orbs
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