Hello! I’m Holly

I am so glad you decided to come to my about section and get to know me a little bit better. I am the founder of the MediSoul Institute, and I have a story to share about my journey and how it led me to teach you how to meditate, change your life, and connect with your soul.

I was always interested in the paranormal, ever since I was a small child. I had many, and I do mean MANY, paranormal experiences throughout my life, which just added to my interest. I needed to know as much as I could about all things paranormal.

I have spent my entire life studying ghosts, UFOs, alien stories, reading numerous books, watching many shows about the paranormal, and listening to radio shows and podcasts on the subject as well. Mix all this knowledge with my personal experiences and I like to think of myself as a very well educated person in the realm of all things weird and supernatural.

I was always interested in the paranormal, ever since I was a small child. I had many, and I do mean MANY, paranormal experiences throughout my life, which just added to my interest. I needed to know as much as I could about all things paranormal.

I have spent my entire life studying ghosts, UFOs, alien stories, reading numerous books, watching many shows about the paranormal, and listening to radio shows and podcasts on the subject as well. Mix all this knowledge with my personal experiences and I like to think of myself as a very well educated person in the realm of all things weird and supernatural.

Then I had my daughter, and everything changed!

My daughter was born with this amazing psychic ability. She could see ghosts everywhere, which caused a lot of problems in our lives as she was growing up, but she also remembered who she was as a soul, where she called “home” and would spend years teaching me all about spirituality.

When she was very small, she started to talk to me about her souls home. She said to me one day as were walking into the grocery store, she was about 5 years old at the time, “If it wasn’t for me, you’d still be hunting ghosts in cemeteries.” I stopped dead in the middle of the parking lot and just looked at her. I said to her, “How did you know that?” She looked up at me and said, “Because before I came down here, they (being the angels, God, and all them) asked me if I would come down here and help you. They had me look through a tube (like a telescope) and asked if I would do it. I said I would and here I am.” I never told that kid I hunted for ghosts in cemeteries before she was born.

Our lives were filled with some of the weirdest paranormal situations, but also some of the most amazing spiritual conversations I never heard of. So many amazing spiritual things would happen, and they always left me in awe. I remember her talking to me about how she is here to help Them (again, spiritual beings) work on the New Earth. I had no idea there was a New Earth and didn’t know what she was talking about. Now, in today’s time, I do know about it and apparently so do a lot of other people.

As she grew, she talked. The more she talked the more I learned about spirituality, the soul, and that our souls come from a location they call home.

Eventually she grew up and has a daughter of her own now, but she taught me so much about spirituality and the soul which I spent years working on, studying, and learning all that I could. From the time I was 24 years old, I went from exploring the paranormal to going into meditation groups, psychic development classes, and learning more about the spiritual side of the supernatural.

My best psychic ability is meditation. I learned to use meditation in a class I started when I was 24. I had never meditated before then and it took me a good 2 years to see anything in my meditations, but once I did my skill as a meditator exploded!

I learned how to communicate with my spirit guides and once that happened, I learned as much as I could from them. I was still taking spiritual classes, but I was taught by my spirit guides mostly. My main spirit guide is Archangel Michael. I didn’t know that when I first met him. I only knew him as Michael, but when I went to a meditation class a few years later they introduced us to the archangels and Michael was one of them.

I learned I can connect with any spirit being in the spiritual world whether they are gods, angels, demons, ghosts, and even aliens. The way I work is I use meditation to get into the spiritual world. Once I am there I go to Michael and ask him to take me to whoever I want to talk to. I have met many different beings from Aphrodite to Satan himself.

As I learned and grew my spiritual knowledge I eventually learned who I am as a soul and why I am in this life. I got to visit my souls home and see where I used to live, the field I would hang out in that was filled with beautiful flowers, and got to meet my soul mother and father. I know my souls name, or at least what it sounds like, which is something like Magnus or Magnerius. My soul is a male energy and has been around for a very long time. He left his home and eventually ended up living many lives in many different worlds, until I eventually became me on earth in this life.

In this life I was tasked with helping other souls wake up and remember who they are as well. I learned, with my guides help, that I am to instruct spiritual people who they are as a soul with meditation. I had to create a whole program to help people learn their soul story, because it took me over 20 years to learn my full soul story. That’s a lot of time to learn about who you are as a soul, so I had to come up with a short cut. That’s when I created the foundation for my Awaken Your Soul program.

I learned there are steps each soul needs to take in order to remember who they are and that is because as the soul goes from life to life, it gets filled with good karma and bad karma. Sometimes the bad karma outweighs the good karma and can block the soul from remembering who they are. You must remove the blocks first, then the soul can be free to remember.

Knowing who I am as a soul and why I am here has changed my life in so many ways. When I was a kid, I knew I had a purpose for being here, but had no idea what it was. I had a hard life, with a lot of problems with people, that I also didn’t understand. Once I learned my souls story all of the struggles I went through made sense. I understood the karmic lessons I was either repeating and needed to heal or why things would be difficult with some people. I felt alone and isolated a lot of my life, because I felt like an outcast, but once I learned who my soul family is in the spiritual world I don’t feel that way anymore.

Now it is my job to help you remember who you are. I know if you are reading this and have found me, then you were led here by your guides for me to help you go through the steps that are required to help you awaken your souls memories. You are here for a purpose, and it is my job to help you find that. That is why I opened Sithra Institute, now MediSoul Institute, Meditation for the Soul. I wanted to create a platform where spiritual people could go to get the training, they needed that I didn’t have. I compiled all the information I have learned from my daughter, classes, books, and from my own spirit guides and brought it all to you. I compiled all of this information in a way to make the remembering process easier.

I want to say thank you for coming here and finding me and I look forward to helping you remember your souls story.