Heal and Balance Your Energy

Distant Reiki

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that involves the transfer of energy through the practitioner's hands to promote relaxation and overall well-being. The word "Reiki" is derived from two Japanese words: "rei," which means universal, and "ki," which means life energy.

During a Reiki session, the practitioner lightly places their hands on or just above the recipient's body, allowing energy to flow to where it is needed most. This process aims to balance the body's energy centers, known as chakras, and promote healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

Reiki is often used as a complementary therapy alongside traditional medical treatments to support the body's natural healing processes. It is non-invasive and gentle, making it suitable for people of all ages and health conditions.

distant reiki session

How Does Distant Reiki Work?

Distant Reiki is a form of energy healing that goes beyond space and time. With this practice, the practitioner channels healing energy to the recipient, regardless of their location. The fundamental principle behind distant Reiki is that energy is not confined by time or space, because of this, Reiki can be sent to anyone, no matter where they are, and have the same affects.

How does distant reiki work

During a distant Reiki session, the practitioner connects with the client energetically and sends healing energy, known as life force energy, through focused thought and visualization. The client may feel sensations, experience emotional releases, or notice improvements in their well-being even though they are not physically present with the practitioner.

Distant Reiki works because energy can be transferred across any distance and can have profound effects on one's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. It shows the interconnectedness of all living beings and illustrates how healing energies can transcend physical barriers to promote holistic wellness.

The Benefits of Reiki

Reiki sessions offer numerous benefits for physical, emotional, spiritual and mental well-being. During a Reiki session, the practitioner channels universal energy to the client, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and overall healing.

Some common benefits of a Reiki session include:

1. Stress relief: Reiki helps to calm the mind and reduce stress levels, promoting a sense of peace and relaxation.

2. Pain management: Reiki can help alleviate physical pain by targeting specific areas of discomfort and promoting the body's natural healing process.

3. Emotional balance: By balancing the body's energy centers, Reiki can help release emotional blockages and promote emotional well-being.

4. Improved sleep: Many individuals experience improved sleep quality after a Reiki session, leading to better overall health and vitality.

5. Enhanced spiritual connection: Reiki is often described as a spiritual practice that can deepen one's connection to their inner self and higher consciousness.

Overall, Reiki sessions offer a holistic approach to healing that addresses both physical and emotional imbalances, promoting overall wellness and vitality.

Science based evidence of Reiki


Reiki in Clinical Practice: A Science-Based Guide by Ann Baldwin.

‘In this book, Dr. Ann Baldwin, professor of Physiology and teacher and researcher of mind-body science, places Reiki in the spotlight of scientific scrutiny and synthesizes a compelling, evidence-based case for using it in clinical settings. She describes just how clinical practitioners can take advantage of Reiki to optimize the health and well being of their patients and clients. I recommend this book to all healthcare professionals interested in how Reiki can be combined with conventional medicine to significantly improve patients’ experiences and outcomes.’

Sithra Institute Blog

Energy Healing : Why It's Important

Energy Healing: Why It’s Important

Distant Reiki Session - Email Only

Distant Reiki sessions are conducted exclusively via email. To begin, you will fill out a form specifying the areas you would like focused on. During the session, Holly will enter a meditative state and channel Reiki energy to your energy system. She will work to clear any energetic blocks and negativity, allowing your energy to flow freely once more. After the session ends, she will send you a detailed email outlining what was discovered in your energy system, what was resolved, and any homework or recommendations she may have for you. These sessions are beneficial if you are facing challenges but are not yet ready to face them on your own in a guided meditation session.

If you prefer a face-to-face session, you can schedule a Soul Reading session. If you are unsure what to do, you can always book a consultation. During our discussion, we can address your struggles and explore how Reiki or Meditation can assist you.

To set up a session, click the Book Now button below and send an email about setting up a session.