What’s the Difference Between a Ghost, Poltergeist, and Demons?

whats the difference between ghosts, demons, and poltergeists

Have you ever wondered what’s the difference between a ghost, a poltergeist, and a demon? Even though these are all spiritual beings, they are not the same thing. Often, they each get blamed for the same haunting occurrences, but they are different from each other. Many people have had paranormal encounters, such as objects moving, being touched, being attacked, waking up with bruises, and various other phenomenon that happens under the umbrella called the paranormal. You often hear someone say, “My house has a demon” or they will say poltergeist, or ghost, without really knowing which one it is. So, let’s take a look at these being individually and see if we can clear up some of these common mistakes.

What are Ghosts?

Ghosts are the souls of people who have died and left their body but have not crossed over to the other side. They can be found in any location where there are people, such as homes, workplaces, parks, beaches, highways, malls, banks, and basically anywhere people go. Ghosts have even been seen in forests, such as the very haunted forest in Japan called Aokigahara Forest.

When someone dies and did not cross over to the other side, they will stay on earth as a ghost, often in the same location they died in. If someone died in a home, the next people who move in could experience hauntings, or seeing the ghost of the person who died, because that person didn’t cross over.

When someone dies and becomes a ghost, they keep their same personality. If they were a nice person in life, then they would be a nice ghost. Meaning, they may move some things around, or you may see them as a ghost, but they usually leave you alone. On the other hand, if someone was a very unpleasant person in life, then they die and become a ghost, they are going to keep that same personality. These ghosts may move things, scratch you, push you, or do whatever they can to freak you out. They do this because this is how they were in life.

Ghosts are people, plain and simple. They may do things that seem demonic or poltergeist-like, but they are just people. Sometimes a haunting can be so bad it seems like demons are doing it, but this is not always the case. So, if you are living in a haunted home do not assume it’s demonic right away. Human ghosts can cause the same type of disturbances.

Ghosts cannot become demons, or angels, as they are humans. The soul on the other hand is a different story. Humans have a soul within them, this is what keeps you alive. Without your soul, the body will not survive. A soul can come from anywhere, meaning someone’s soul can be angelic or demonic. But until that ghost crosses over to the other side, they will stay the ghost of the person they were when they were alive.

What Are Demons?

Demons are not humans, although there are humans living on earth with demonic souls, and it may not be the people you think they are. For example, you may think serial killers are humans with demonic souls, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes these types of people just have very young souls.

Demons come from a dark dimension that is lower in vibration. Everything in the universe, or creation, vibrates on a frequency. The higher the vibration, the faster the energy moves, the closer to the God-like level a being will be. The lower the vibration is, the slower the energy moves, the closer to the dark energy, or demonic realm someone will get. Demons vibrate on a lower frequency, which is why they are in darker realms, or dimensions.

Many people assume hauntings are caused by demons because they believe people can’t become ghosts. This is not true at all. People can absolutely become ghosts and do so quite often. People see these ghosts daily. Plus, you have mediums who can talk to these ghosts, and demons, and can tell you they are not one in the same. Do not assume a haunting is caused by a demon automatically. Know that human ghosts can act like demons, but that doesn’t make them demons. It just makes them jerks.

Demons are a bit trickier to deal with than ghosts because demons will attack you subtly. They will affect your emotions, causing you to feel angry, sad, depressed, they will attack you in your dreams, they will get people to go against you, sometimes out of the blue. This may show itself as suddenly you and your friend aren’t friends anymore or you are fighting with your spouse all the time. Demons attack subtly, from behind the scenes, and get into your energy, into your emotions, and start manipulating you. Their goal is to get you isolated, because then you are easier to manipulate.

Demons are not as easy to get out of your home, or life, as ghosts are. With a ghost, you can get them to cross over to the other side and the hauntings will stop. Demons come with many friends, so if you get rid of one, there is another one to take its place. Getting demons out of your life takes a lot of negotiation.

Over the years I have learned how to communicate with demons and have found almost every time that the demon is there for a few reasons. They were called in, whether intentionally or unintentionally by the person being attacked. Why would anyone call in a demon? They don’t always do it on purpose. Think of it this way, if someone is living in a bad living situation where they are being abused in some way, they are internally calling out for help. They want anyone to come and help them, or save them, from the abuse. This unintentionally calls in demonic beings, because the person asking for help doesn’t care who helps them, just someone.

Another way demons get into your life is someone sends them to you. Over the years I have worked with many people who have had other living humans do some sort of black magic and send demons to their enemies. This creates a soul contract between the demon, the person who is calling upon them, and the person being attacked. To remove them you must remove the contract.

Another way demons latch onto people is they follow you from a past life. This happens a lot, as all of us are learning souls who have been various people in past lives; some good, some bad. If you were into dark magic, or things of the sort, in a past life, but are not in this life, you could still have the demons from the past life attached to you. This is because they are attached to your soul, and not your physical body. This would also be a soul contract that needs to be removed.

The issue is, once the demon comes into your person life, they can cause you to act in certain ways that are unhealthy, such as becoming an addict, being abusive to yourself or others, bullying yourself or others, violent behaviors, have suicidal thoughts, or even homicidal thoughts.

Demons get into your mind and emotions, making you think these horrible thoughts, or actions, are your own, but it is them pushing your buttons to make you act that way. This doesn’t mean ghosts can’t do the same thing, because they can, but not to the same degree. Like I said, demons come in with friends, as with a ghost you are usually just dealing with one ghost.

What Is A Poltergeist?

So, these guys are a bit trickier to define, because technically a poltergeist is a ghost, as the definition explains. Poltergeist is a German word for noisy ghost, which are the type of spirit beings that move objects. If you have ever watched a video, or witnessed yourself, objects moving around, that is what a poltergeist is. Ghosts and demons both can move objects, so those items moving around could be caused by ghosts or demons, or even something else. There are more than just these three beings under the paranormal umbrella, such as elementals, like fairies and nature spirits, aliens, and cryptids. All can move items around.

What To Do?

If you are living in a haunted home, you need to get the spirit beings out of it, because whether it is demonic or ghosts, they can affect your health in a negative way. The first thing these types of being will attack is your aura. Your aura is there to keep you safe, but negative spirit beings will start tearing away at the edge of your aura, because they need to weaken it. Your aura is your shield that protects you, and once it becomes weakened, they can start to borrow in.

Negative spirit beings will burrow into your aura, creating a hole. While this is happening, you may not feel or notice anything, unless you are sensitive to energy. Once they reach your physical body the next thing they will attack is your emotions, because your emotions are based on energy. Think about it, can you remove anger from your body by having surgery and cutting it out? No! That’s because anger is an emotion which is energy. It is easier for demons and ghosts to affect your emotions, so they start to cause you to feel sad, angry, depressed, anxious, stressed, worried, or any other negative emotion. I can assure you, they are certainly not going to make you feel happy!

Once they start affecting your emotions, then they will work on causing physical problems. Think of something you are struggling with right now? Is it body pain, headaches, a mental disorder, digestive issues, or any other physical symptom you can think of? That is caused by a block in your energy, caused by these negative beings. Now they are making you feel unwell.

After this, they start to work on you psychologically, by causing you to feel unloved, paranoid, they can cause addictions, and work on making you feel alone. They do this, because negative beings have an agenda; to get as many souls on their side as they can.

After they have torn you down energetically, emotionally, and physically, then they go after your spirituality, making you think there is nothing else out there. You are alone. Your life is pointless. They stop you from connecting to your spirit guides, and spiritual team that is there to help and guide you. Again, once you are torn down, they take over.

Protect Yourself

If you are living as a human on earth right now, and I am assuming you are, then you need to learn how to protect yourself. This is crucial because spiritual protection helps protect you from the stuff I just talked about. Ghosts can get into your energy and cause a world of problems for you. Demons can do so much more damage. If you are not protecting yourself every single day, then you are unintentionally allowing these things to do everything I just mentioned.

If you leave your home, do you lock your door? Why? Most people lock their door so no one will walk in and steal their stuff. I am going to assume you are doing it for the same reason. When you leave your car, do you lock it? Again, why? Is it to protect it? Do you have health insurance? Is that to protect you in case you need medical attention? Do you see how you are protecting yourself in so many ways already? Then why wouldn’t you learn how to protect yourself energetically as well?

The White Light

The white light is a powerful technique you can use every single day, with hardly any effort at all, to block these damaging beings. All you need to do is imagine a beam of white light coming down from the source of all positive energy. Let this white light go into your head and imagine it flowing down your entire body to your feet. It must fill every part of your being, inside and out. Once it reaches your feet, imagine that white light is expanding all around you, going through each layer of your aura, until it is on the outside of your aura. Your aura is roughly 5 feet out from you, but yours could be bigger than that. You want to use this white light protection around yourself every single day. No exceptions!

You also want to imagine a beam of light coming down and expanding through your home, putting your home in its own white light bubble. You do the same for each one of your pets, your kids, your cars, your workplace, friends, family members, and so on. Just remember, each item and person gets their own white light bubble. Since you are not used to doing this, you will need to remind yourself to do this every day, so set up some notes around yourself. When you get in your car have a note that says, “Protect the car.” You can even set an alarm on your phone or set up some type of reminder. Until this becomes a habit, you will forget to do it. Doing this is the same as locking your car door when you leave it.

What Will This Do?

This white light is your shield, it is your suit of armor protecting you from that darkness trying to get in. It stops the darkness from borrowing through your aura and causing spirit attachments, which is what they are doing when they burrow into you. They are attaching themselves to you and siphoning your energy out of you. The white light bubble protects you and blocks that from happening. Of course, if you already have these attachments you will need to work on removing them, but at least you can stop new ones from tapping into you with the white light protection.


If you are living in a haunted home and aren’t sure whether it is demons or ghosts, either way you must get them out. These beings are most likely using your energy, which is weakening you. Your energy is meant for you alone, not to be shared with these beings. Your first step is to protect yourself. Your second step is to work with someone to get them out.

Holly Janes

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