Is It Dangerous to Dabble in the Occult?

Is it dangerous to dabble in the occult

Many people think the occult is a dangerous thing and no one should ever dabble in it, but dabbling in the occult is no different than dabbling in science or trying to understand anything else in life. The occult is a term that refers to hidden or secret knowledge, practices, and beliefs that are beyond the realm of ordinary understanding. It encompasses a wide range of mystical, esoteric, and supernatural subjects. The word "occult" comes from the Latin word "occultus," which means "hidden" or "secret."

The occult is associated with practices such as astrology, divination, witchcraft, alchemy, and spiritualism. It involves the exploration of unseen forces and energies that are believed to exist in the universe or in other dimensions.

Throughout history, the occult has been both respected and feared. Some people seek out occult knowledge for personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and to connect to higher spirit beings. While others seek out the occult to gain power and control over others, work with demons, or to use it for manipulation, which is what others view as being dangerous or evil.

It’s Not Only About the Paranormal

It's important to know that not all aspects of the occult involve supernatural or paranormal phenomena. Some aspects focus on personal development through meditation, self-reflection, and introspection. Overall, the occult is a complex subject that encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices related to hidden knowledge beyond conventional understanding.

Common Practices

Some common occult practices include divination, which involves attempting to gain insight into the future or the unknown through methods such as tarot card reading, astrology, or scrying. Ritual magic is another occult practice that involves the use of specific rituals, symbols, and spells to bring about desired outcomes or connect with spiritual forces.

Alchemy is also considered an occult practice, focusing on the transformation of substances and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. Other examples include astral projection (the ability to consciously leave one's physical body), necromancy (communication with the deceased), and ceremonial magic (the use of rituals for magical purposes).

Occult practices vary greatly across different cultures and belief systems and have been going on since the beginning of humans. Some people may engage in these practices for personal growth, spiritual exploration, or as a means of connecting with higher spiritual beings. However, it is crucial to approach these practices with caution and respect for individual beliefs and cultural traditions.

Should You Dabble in the Occult?

There are some things you should be cautious of when dabbling with occult topics. When working with spiritual beings, whether they be ghosts, cryptids, angels or demons, you need to respect these beings. Demanding them to do work for you or trying to work with them strictly for personal gain, is not going to work out as well as you would hope.


Angels will help you when you ask for their help, but only if what you are asking for you are meant to have. Angels follow the law of free will, where you have the right to make your own decisions. This is one of the reasons why they don’t interfere with your life daily, unless the have to. Angels know you are a soul here to learn lessons and the only way to do that is to go through your struggles and find your own answers. With that being said, you can still call upon them to help you. Just show them respect by saying please, thanking them when you are done asking for their help, and maybe give them a gift occasionally to show you appreciate them.


Many people try to work with demons to get them to do their bidding. When you ask demons for help, they are more apt to give you what you want, because demons don’t care about free will or your souls lessons. What they want is to get connected with you so they can own your soul. Their whole goal is to get your soul back to their dimension, so they give you what you want so you will trust them, then it goes bad from there.

Tarot Cards

Tarot cards as such an amazing divination tool that helps the reader connect to the spiritual world to try to find the answers to your struggles. It is important to understand all tarot readers are psychic, or a medium or both. They use tarot cards as a tool to help them connect to the spiritual world easier. But nothing is ever written in stone because life is fluid, meaning it is ever changing. This is due to free will we humans have. We can change our own life path with one simple decision, but there are still major life paths we must go down no matter what. The tarot reader can help you to see these major life path lines, but again nothing is written in stone.

Ouija Board

This is another occult tool many people use, and you will find there are a lot of so-called rules out there about what you should or shouldn’t do with a Ouija board. Many people find it to be dangerous to even use a Ouija board and should never touch them. Now, it is not the board that is dangerous, but what you do with it. The Ouija board is just a tool, no different than any other inanimate object. One rule people think will stop bad stuff from happening is if you go to the Goodbye at the bottom of the board. They believe this somehow closes out the whole séance session, because that is what you are doing with a Ouija board, a séance. The spirits come to you because you are focusing your attention on spirits and calling them to you. The board is just a focal point for your mind to call in the spirits, not the cause of the aftermath from using it. You can say goodbye all you want to, but spirits aren’t standing there going, “Oh, they said goodbye, so I guess we got to pack it up and go back home.” No! You called them in, so they are there.

You can protect yourself with a Ouija board by surrounding yourself with white light, and this will protect you, but you will not have the same effect with the board if you do it that way, but you won’t call in dark spirit beings to you either.

Is It Safe to Dabble in the Occult Though?

If we humans didn’t dabble in things we would never have gotten as far as we have. We have cars because someone had an idea and dabbled in the science of it until they figured it out. The same goes with medicine, fitness, eating and cooking, computers, and all technology, and so on.

The only way to understand something is to dabble in it. In time if you find the occult, or specific areas of the occult, are topics you want to explore, then you go from dabbling to practitioner. The only way to learn how something works is to try it and see what happens. You are going to make mistakes along the way, and you may end up causing something bad to happen, or get a dark spirit following you around, but you will learn not to do that again. Then you will have to learn how to fix what you did or release the being you called.

Anyone who is an experienced spiritualist, or any other type of practitioner, has made mistakes along their path. They dabbled with the occult, learned what to do and what not to do, and grew from it. Now they either keep that information to themselves, or they branch out to try to teach others what to do and not to do, based on their personal experiences of practicing in the occult.

Get a Teacher

If you are serious about learning more about spirituality, or any other type of occult practice, find a teacher in the topic you want to study. There are many spiritual teachers in the world who want to help the up-and-coming spiritualists that will take their place. Our job as humans is to learn and grow as souls and the only way to do that is to tap into the spiritual world and find where we fit in all of this.

So, dabble, explore, read, and learn all kinds of occult topics. Think for yourself by making up your own mind what resonates with you and what doesn’t. If you are drawn to Wicca, then go for it. If you love demonology, then study it. If you want to learn how to read tarot cards, then practice. The only way to go from dabbling to professional in the world of spirituality and the occult is to try it out, practice, get good at it and go from there. In all truth, that is how it works for literally any topic in the world. If you want to be a guitar player, then pick up a guitar and practice. The same for painting, building, any science, technology, or anything else.

Holly Janes

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