Your Thoughts Matter

Your thoughts matter

When it comes to the way your life unfolds, your thoughts matter. Let me ask you, are you someone who has a negative viewpoint on your life? You feel like things go wrong for you all the time, that life can be so challenging and you just get so angry, depressed, anxious, or frustrated with, well, just everything?

I get it, because I have those same thoughts. We all do! Do you know those thoughts manifest into your reality? The way you think affects your entire life because your thoughts create the reality that is around you. Let me give you an example on what I mean. I have met people who have been so focused on the negative things in their life, that they can't see the good that is all around them.

A Real Story

A few years ago, I met someone who was depressed, irritated, and just unhappy with their life. After talking to them for a bit, it became clear this person was upset about a situation that happened between them and their spouse...20 years prior. Since that event, this person moved on, had kids, was married, and living a pretty good life. But they were so upset that this one person wasn't very nice to them a long time ago. Now, I am not talking about some major trauma here. I am saying it was something they did not need to hold onto for 20 years.

I tried to help them see how much their life had changed, how many good things were in their life, that they can heal from the past, but they have to be willing. That is the key point! You have to be willing to heal in order to heal, and this person was not willing. This person built a life around this negativity. They had no idea what life would be like if they let this issue go, so they refused to let it go.

Your Thoughts Create Your Actions

Those negative thoughts turn into how you feel. How you feel turns into how you act. Your thoughts create your actions. If your thoughts are positive, you care for yourself, you educate yourself, you do hobbies that make you happy, you have good friends, then you will act in positive ways. But when you act in negative ways, where you assume the world is against you, where you are inconsiderate of those around you, and have a terrible outlook on life, then those thoughts will turn into bad emotions, which turn into bad actions.

Your Manifest Your Reality

Your thoughts manifest your reality. Reality is based on energy and energy frequencies. These frequencies are are connected to consciousness and existance. You are a soul, and your soul vibrates at a certain frequency, or an energy vibration. The higher your vibration, the happier and healthier you will be. The lower your vibration, the more sick and miserable you will be. Your goal is to strive to have a higher energe4tic frequency or vibration.

How to Raise Your Vibration

Being nice goes a long way in raising your vibration. So many people are rude and just downright mean to each other, and then they wonder why their life is filled with struggles. Holding the door for someone is a nice gesture. Being more patient with older people will help you relax a bit more, because you need to remember, you are heading in that direction, too! Try letting go of the past and don't focus too much on what may come in the future. I spent many years worrying about the events that might show up in my future, only to look back and realize most of my worries never happened. The past is over and the future is unwritten. Make good choices today and you will have a brighter future.

What This Video

I want to share a video with you that I found to be fascinating. It explains a lot about how consciousness and energy works on a scientific level and how you think really does shape your reality. The man speaking is named Billy Carson, and he has some profound thoughts on how we should think, and has scientific proof that how we think does affect our energy and life. Check it out!

Match the Frequency of Your Desires

Holly Janes

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