What Are Ghosts?

What are ghosts?

Many people question the existence of ghosts, but there is also an equal number of people who know ghosts are real, most likely because they saw them. There are even stories of people who never believed in ghosts, then saw one and became a believer, such as Zak Bagans from the famous TV show Ghost Adventures. Often, this sighting leads people on a quest to learn more about these supernatural beings, asking many questions along the way. One of the main questions people ask is, What ARE ghosts?”

Ghosts have been seen for thousands of years by all cultures all over the world. There are many people who believe seeing a ghost is a bad omen or that the ghost is angry with the living, or some other myth. But is this true? Are ghosts visiting us from beyond the grave because they are angry with the living and want to lash out vengeance of the first unsuspecting victim? Not usually.

When I was younger, I heard my name being called by unseen entities, but they sounded just like my grandmother. Yet, my grandmother lived in another state, and it was usually the middle of the night when I heard these sounds, which is not the time my grandmother would have visited. Since then, I have seen quite a few ghosts, which led me to want to learn more about these mysterious beings.

Once I learned how to open my mediumship abilities, (or I should say once I realized all the supernatural stuff I was experiencing in my life was because I was a medium and had no idea), I learned how to communicate with ghosts, along with my spirit guides. This led me to ask so many questions to find the answers to what ghosts are and why they are visiting us. This is what I am going to share with you now.

What ARE Ghosts?

This is a simple answer: ghosts are the souls of people. You are alive because your soul is inside your body. Your soul is an energy that makes you who you are, with all your likes and dislikes. For example, all your skills and talents that you seem to know how to do easily, come from knowledge your soul has collected from previous lifetimes. Maybe it is easy for you to play the guitar, where others struggle. That is a natural talent that comes from knowledge that sits inside your soul from a past lifetime where you played the guitar. Well, when someone dies, that soul leaves the body, taking with it those same talents and personality. This means that ghosts are the souls of people who used to be alive. I like to say they are people without a body, because the ghost is still the person they once were when they were alive with the same talents, knowledge, and personality.

Ghosts are not scary creatures, they are people. They can do scary things that freak out the living, but so do living people. I see so many videos on YouTube and other platforms that show people being scared when a ghost moves an object, shuts a door, knocks on the door or wall, or some other movie like creepiness they seem to enjoy doing. I have even experienced some of these creepy behaviors myself over the years and I will agree it is a bit unnerving. But is it malicious?

Are Ghosts Attacking the Living?

In most cases, ghosts are not trying to attack the living, but more to get their attention. Try to think of it this way, a ghost is just a human person without a physical body, right? This means they do not have the same abilities to communicate as they did when they were alive. You probably take talking for granted, because you can simply open your mouth and say whatever you want, but a ghost can’t do that. Like babies and animals, ghosts have to resort to physical movements to get your attention. Often times, those physical movements are scary!

We all know chairs aren’t supposed to move on their own, so when we see one fly across the room, we get scared. Humans don’t like, and often fear, what they don’t understand. Ghosts are not trying to attack you, in most situations. They are simply trying to get your attention. They want help, they want to be heard, they want you to acknowledge them for various reasons.

The Infamous “Help Me!” EVPs

If you are interested in ghosts, then I am sure you have seen the videos where a ghost can be heard saying, “Help Me!” Why do they do that? Because they need help. The best way to understand why a ghost is trying to get your attention is to look at life from their point of view. I spent years talking to ghosts, and my spirit guides, to learn how to help them and give them the help they need. What I am going to share with you is what I have gathered from the ghosts themselves.

Life From the Ghosts Point of View

Imagine this: You are living your life as you know it, then all of a sudden you die. Once your body dies, your soul steps out of your body. Now, you may be aware you have physically died, or you may not. Let’s say that you are aware you died, what happens? I have often found people who have recently died to be standing next to their body staring at it in disbelief; I have seen this with my aunt who died of an aneurism. I talk to ghosts in meditation, so once I found out my aunt had died, I got into a meditation to make sure she was alright. I have learned death can be very shocking to many souls leaving their body.

When I got to her she was just standing there staring at her body in the morgue. I asked her if she was ok, and she seemed in shock. She started talking very slowly, never looking away from her body, about how she couldn’t believe this had just happened. I went to school for psychology and use my training to help ghosts deal with the trauma of dying, which is what I did for my aunt. I talked with her through this trauma, then helped her cross over to the other side.

This is often what happens with many ghosts who are aware they have died but haven’t made the full transition to the other side yet. With my aunt, I had talked to her right away after her death, to make sure she made a full transition to the other side. But what about ghosts who died years ago? Do they still stand there in shock like my aunt did? Some do, some don’t. Some stand in the same spot for many years in a dazed state of being, while others haunt locations.

Ghosts That Do Not Know They Are Dead

If someone dies suddenly, there is a good chance they don’t know they are dead. These are ghosts who can become dangerous, because they are people who don’t understand what is going on. Being in the spirit world, but trapped in a sort of limbo, is a weird place for people to be. Time stands still for them, so they are always living in the same loop they were in before they died. If you disrupt that loop, they can attack, thinking you are trying to hurt them.

Think of being in your home, watching TV, just living your life, when people come into your home and start demanding you to get out. What are you going to do? You are going to fight back, because these intruders just broke into your home and are trying to steal your home. Ghosts do the same thing, only they are completely unaware they are ghosts now. So, they do what any living person would do; they attack.

What Should You Take from This?

Try to look at things from a ghost's point of view. Are they trying to be scary or are they trying to get your attention? Can ghosts be mean? Of course they can, because, like I said, a ghost still has the same personality as the person they once were when they were alive. If that person was mean, then their ghost will be mean as well.

Instead of fearing what is happening to you when you experience a haunting, try to look at it from the ghost's perspective. Are they trying to get your attention so you can help them? Often, ghosts just want to get out of this weird limbo state they find themselves in and they can’t seem to find the door. So, they say, “Help Me!” trying to get your attention, but if you are unaware of how to cross over a ghost, then find someone who can. I am sure if you found yourself in the same situation as the ghost, where you died, but can’t seem to find your way out, you would want help, too.

Holly Janes

MediSoul: Meditation for the Soul


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