What Do Ghosts Want?

Have you lived in a haunted location and wondered, “What do you want??” You may have even said this out loud to the ghost trying to get the haunting to stop. You think if you could just understand why this was happening, then you could figure out how to get it to stop. Did you end up figuring out what the ghost wanted, or did you simply move out and leave it for someone else to deal with? It’s ok if you left. Many people have no idea what to do when they find themselves face-to-face with a ghost, so they often leave the situation.

What Do Ghosts Want?

This is a complex answer, because there are as many answers as there are ghosts. That being said, there is a common solution most ghosts want and that’s not to be a ghost. Over the years I have spoken to many ghosts, some who knew they were dead and some who had no idea they died and a lot of them just wanted to fix whatever was happening to them. In my post What Are Ghosts? I talk about why hauntings happen in the first place. They are often caused by a person who died and became a ghost and has no idea what to do next.

Each ghost wants something different, based on their personal situation. Since this is a complex answer, we are going to break it down into sections.


Many people become ghosts when they are murdered. Murder is often very sudden, terrifying, and can come completely unexpected. No one wakes up in the morning and thinks, “I am going to get murdered today” then plans their day accordingly. It is usually a blitz attack that comes out of nowhere. This causes a very confused ghost.

When someone is being attacked and they are fighting for their life, their soul already knows if they are going to die or not. If they are going to die, the soul will leave the body and stand by the scene watching their body get murdered. So, for those of you who have known someone you care for who was murdered, take comfort in knowing their soul did not stay inside the body. What this means is, that person you care for stepped out of the body and watched their body die. They did not experience that trauma as a soul. This happens quite often in these types of situations, where the soul stands by and watches their body die, often with a spirit guide. You can learn more about this by reading Dolores Cannon’s books.

When someone is murdered very fast, as in a blitz attack, they didn’t see it coming, such as being shot in the head without any knowledge this was going to happen, this can cause a person to have no idea they are even dead. To them the world became very weird all of a sudden with no explanation as to why or life stands still. These are the ghosts who will live in a loop, meaning they are repeating that exact same scene with no knowledge of anything that has happened. For example, if they were at the bank waiting to deposit money into their account, then bank robbers came in and shot this person dead before they knew robbers were there, that ghost is still waiting in line at the bank.

If someone was murdered, but knew it was coming, such as when people are kidnapped first and spend some time with their killer, as often happens with serial killers, then this creates a different kind of ghost. These are ghosts that are aware they have died and often want to help find the person who killed them.

I talk to ghosts in meditation, so I decided to find one of Ted Bundy’s victims to see if they needed help crossing over. I found a girl with brown hair, a little past shoulder length, bangs, glasses, wearing what seemed to be sweatpants and a sweatshirt, standing on the edge of a field. I don’t think anyone ever found this girl. When I astral projected to her location, I found the remains of a body, but didn’t see a ghost standing there. Then she came running at me, trying to attack me. I had to stop her and tell her I was there to help her. I asked her if she knew she had died and she said, very hotly, “Of course I know I am dead! I watched my body rot right there!” As she pointed to her body. She said she wanted to stick around and stay a ghost because when he came back, she was going to attack him. I told her he had been caught and was put to death and it was safe for her to cross over now, which she did.

Murder is one of the biggest reasons for a ghost to stick around because they either have no idea they are dead, or they want justice for what happened to them. If you find you are living in a home that is haunted and you found out that there was a murder in it, that person needs help crossing over.


It is very sad that many souls decide to leave this planet by ending their life because they can’t handle what is going on in their life. Often, suicide leads to ghosts and hauntings. After talking to many ghosts who committed suicide when they were alive, I asked them why they stick around as a ghost? Why not just move on to the other side? Almost every time I ask this question to a ghost who had committed suicide I get the same answer, “I can’t. I committed a sin.” Their belief system keeps them stuck as ghosts because they fear going to a bad realm for taking their own life.

I have had to tell many ghosts this is not true, that they can cross over and go to the other side. Suicide is not something we should strive for when life gets tough, because life is filled with lessons your soul chose to go through. Suicide comes into people's minds when life on earth is a lot harder than they expected it to be, so the soul opts out of the lessons. The problem with this is that soul still must learn those same lessons at some point, so even if someone decides to end their life, they will have to reincarnate and try to learn the lessons again in another life. I can assure you, no matter how hard life can get, and I am aware it can get pretty dark, ending it is not the answer. Your soul has a reason for going through all of that darkness. If you learn what those reasons are, by connecting with your soul, you can learn to understand the lessons and work with them to enhance your life.


Many people die in accidents every day, which leads to many ghosts. Car accidents can be sudden, causing a lot of people to have no idea they have died. We all have seen the videos of ghosts walking along the side of a highway and wondered if we just saw a person crossing the road or a ghost.

When someone dies suddenly in a car accident their soul will be in the same spot when they died, unaware of what has happened. I have seen this a few times with ghosts I have talked to who have died in a car accident.

Their Car Broke Down

Years ago, I was at a séance to take pictures. I wanted to try to capture proof of the spirits at the séance, instead of participating. While I was there, I started to see with my eyes all these ghosts coming into the room. So here I am, sitting on the edge of the couch, while other people are doing the table tipping, and watching all these spirit beings coming into the room.

Then a couple stood in front of me. They were opaque, but clear as day. They were standing up looking down at me, as I was sitting on the couch. I was just staring at them in complete disbelief as they started to talk to me. There was a man and a woman. The man was wearing a flannel shirt and jeans and the woman I didn’t pay much attention to, but she had blonde hair that was just to the base of her neck. The man said to me, “Our car broke down just down the road and we need help calling someone. Can you help?” I just sat there in shock, not answering this person, in complete amazement. I didn’t say a word. He said to me, “Hello? We need help! Can you help?” He was a bit annoyed I didn’t answer him. I still said nothing. I couldn’t believe it. Then this whole scene was just gone. These people had no idea they had clearly died in a car accident, but to them the car broke down.

A Car Accident

When my daughter was around 4 years old, she was showing signs of being very psychic. I was always testing her abilities to see if she was psychic or if she had a mental disorder going on. I wanted to be very sure which she had. I knew of a car accident where someone had died on a stretch of highway, so one day, when we were on that highway, I said to my daughter, “Do you see anything right here?” She looked around as we drove under an overpass on an offramp. She said, “Yeah, there is a girl standing there by her car.”

This shocked me because I knew of a car accident that happened about 10 years before this time, that a girl and her friend had hit the pillar that was holding up the overpass bridge where one died and the other lived. I asked my daughter for details about what she was seeing, and it matched the story I remembered. I asked my daughter what the girl was doing, and she said, “Waiting for a tow truck.” I said, “Is she dead and a ghost?” She said, “Yes, but she doesn’t know that.” So, we helped this girl cross over, which was the start of me learning how to cross over ghosts.

A Lovely Woman Dies

The last story I am sharing of a car accident ghost was of this woman who used to get a massage at my old business. She was such a funny woman who was always happy and laughing. I remember one day her and my boyfriend, who was the massage therapist, were outside in the snow looking for something. I went outside to see what they were looking for and she told me, “My necklace.” I said, “Oh, you lost your necklace? When did you lose it?” She said, “6 months ago.” She said it so casually, too! I stopped and looked at her, thinking, there’s 4 feet of snow, we are in a parking lot that was just plowed, and you think you are going to find a necklace you lost 6 MONTHS ago? She looked at me, laughed and said, “I know. We are not going to find it” with this funny, happy tone. She was such a great person.

One day we found out she had died in a car accident. It was such a sad day because she was such a great person. 6 months later I decided to see if she had crossed over. So, I meditated and went to where her car accident was, in astral form. She was standing next to her car, with the hood up, and it was nighttime. I walked up to her, mind you in astral form, with archangel Michael, my guide, who was behind me. As soon as I saw her, I knew she had not crossed over and had no idea she had died, so I told Michael to hide himself so he wouldn’t scare her.

I asked her if she was alright and she said, “Oh hey, how are you? Why are you here?” Thinking I randomly showed up. I knew she had no idea she had died. So, I started to talk to her, asking her gentle questions. Remember, ghosts who don’t know they have died are still just people without a body. You can’t just slam this info onto them.

After a bit of conversation, I asked her if she noticed anything had changed and she didn’t understand. I was trying to give her clues she had died, but she wasn’t having it, so I had to tell her. “You didn’t make it out of this car accident.” She laughed like she always did but brushed it off. I said, “No, I am sorry, but you died.” She laughed a bit but said that this wasn’t funny. I had to keep pushing it, gently, but she got angry, and said I was lying to her.

At that point I told Michael to show himself and I said to her, “Can you see him? Have you ever seen that before?” As I pointed to the big archangel. That’s when it hit her, she had died and fell to the ground crying. She begged me to help her, to fix it, to put her back in her body. It was so hard for me to do this I had to step out of the meditation for a second to compose myself.

I went back in and told her I could not do that, that she had died 6 months ago, and her body was buried. She just went into hysterics. Crying, talking about her mom, and about her family. It was absolutely awful. I finally did get her to accept she had died, at 35 years old, and got her to cross over to the other side.

These ghosts are people, with all of the same emotions you and I have. They have families, friends, coworkers, and people who care for them, and that they care for. Being a ghost does not change the person, it just takes away their body. They stay that same person they always were until they cross over, where they will reconnect with their higher self and become their true form again.

All The Ways We Die

Humans die in some many various ways, we could talk about each situation one at a time, but the bottom line is the same. When someone dies, they become a soul without a body. If they do not cross over, then they become ghosts stuck on earth. Ghosts need help finding their way to the other side. Many things get in their way from crossing over on their own. The most common reasons are they have no idea they are a ghost, their belief system, they want justice for something, or they don’t want to leave their family. Your job is not to yell at a ghost, but to help them realize the other side is where they need to be.

What If the Ghost is Mean?

Some people in the world are just not nice people. You have serial killers, pedophiles, sadists, animal killers, bullies, abusers, and just awful people. When they die, they become awful ghosts. The thing to remember is, these types of ghosts can mimic the actions of demons, making people think they have a demonic presence, when in fact you are dealing with a psychopath who no longer has the restrictions living humans do. Meaning they no longer need food, water, sleep, and are not bound by physical space, so they can travel anywhere.

Many violent people, such as these psychopaths, are accompanied by demonic beings, because people who do evil actions draw the attention of evil beings who help fuel the already lit fire. What this means is, if you have a ghost of someone who was an evil person, you most likely have the presence of evil beings.

Should You Challenge These Beings?

Don’t let them bully you, because they will, but don’t push buttons either. These types of spirits can cause a lot of problems in your life, so if you have one of these in your home, they also need to cross over. Once they move on, the hauntings stop.

The Bottom Line

All ghosts need to cross over, no matter who they are. It is not up to you to decide what happens to these ghosts, that’s for the beings on the other side to do. That ghost is a soul that needs to move on, so it can continue its soul path. No ghost needs to stay on earth, trapped in an old existence that no longer helps them. Understanding how ghosts work and why they are, will help you to see these beings are stuck in one way or another. Either because they can’t find their way out or their own belief system keeps them trapped. In the end, all ghosts need to cross over to the other side.

Holly Janes

MediSoul: Meditation for the Soul


What Are Ghosts?


Linda Moulton Howe: An Interview with an Anunnaki Hybrid: VIDEO